Archive for July 23rd, 2009

Running late for dinner. Sushi…

Running late for dinner. Sushi from local store. Fresh seafood. Big Brother reality show tonight. Working later on projects.

Use your Passport and Travel More!

 Use your Passport and Travel More!

Master Stress 101®

Today I had to get refills for my passport. Wow, it’s amazing to look at all those fun country entry/exit stamps, visas, & dates. Special Memories from each trip! I love traveling: Meeting new people-seeing new places. Get your passport and use it!

There are so many people that don’t get their passports, and they miss opportunities to experience new cultures, people, and countries.  If you have a passport, then start using it more often.  Your trips don’t have to be expensive.  You can always go on the web and look for special packages.  You can even go to specific airline websites, and get on their “Travel budget alerts.”  When a cheap airfare comes up for your destination, then you’ll get an email.  Just because the economy isn’t perfect, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop traveling outside the US.  In fact, you might find some better deals.

I’ll talk more about this topic later.  Until then, travel more and find reasons to see new places!

Take care, Stress less and Chill Out More! Hajii Otto, MS  The Chill Out Guru™

 Use your Passport and Travel More!

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