Archive for the ‘Laugh’ Category

How many times a day do you laugh with people that you love?

HajCourt2010 Ren Wedding 768x1024 How many times a day do you laugh with people that you love?

Find time to laugh with friends and family often

How many times a day do you laugh with people that you love?  It’s funny to think that most people don’t laugh with the ones they love the most.  We get stuck with the day-by-day rituals and seeing each other becomes a normal habitual pattern.  How often do you emotionally fill the needs of friends and family?  Do you daily say, “I love you”?  Do you tell those folks that you care about them? Do you verbally say how much you appreciate them?

Don’t take it for granted that people know you love them.  It’s comforting to the heart and soul to hear those words.  Pay attention next time you find yourself laughing with loved ones, and just enjoy the moment.  Express the positive words that come to your mind and don’t hold back.  Laugh more, Love more!

Stress less, Hajii Otto, MS, CHT, The Chill Out Guru™

Silly Songs for Smiling: Willy Was a Whale

Masters Stress 101® Series:

Hello again!

I found this great silly song, and it made me smile so BIG. I laughed as I listened to the lyrics.  You know as a child I naturally loved hearing songs like this; however, I forgot these simple pleasures as an adult.  Remember if you want less stress in your life, then you have to sometimes think like a child.  College, family, and work can be stressful.  Don’t let your daily stress eat you alive. Quickly reduce stress today by living a more simple life.    Laugh more and smile more.  from the heart, Hajii Otto, MS the Chill Out Guru™

Funny things that make you smile:Snuggle Bunny

Here’s a video that can make anyone smile: Snuggle Bunny.
Remember to take a small break from your crazy schedule to laugh or smile daily.
Have a stress less day and chill out often. Hajii Otto, MS The Chill Out Guru™

A good laugh for the day! Hoops and Yoyo

Shelly  introduced me to Hoops and Yoyo…. They can make me laugh so hard just by their silly humor.

Here’s a video for you today….. Chill out with a good laugh! Dont’ think too hard about it, just accept the goofy humor!  More power to you and chill out daily….. from the heart, Hajii Otto, MS The Chill Out Guru™

Chill Out Homework: Find time to laugh more this week!

Ok, so your Chill Out Homework this week is to find time to laugh more throughout the day.  Laugh in the shower, car, kitchen, etc.  Just have fun and see if you can laugh from the gut!  If you can do it with someone else, then that would be even more funny. For example, I try to give a silly “Mad Man” laughter while I sit typing on my computer.  I surprise myself sometimes of how I can start laughing and get out-of-control.  It gives me a great mental RUSH of excitement!

Good luck and have a great day! Stress Less, Hajii Otto, MS The Chill Out Guru™

Stress less by adding more laughter in your life!

Stress less by adding more laughter in your life!  How many times do you laugh throughout the day? You’ll be surprised to find out how many people answer, “ZERO!”  Why do adults find it harder to laugh while kids can laugh at any given moment?  Adults feel that it’s silly to laugh, and kids just don’t think about laughing-they just laugh without paying attention to others.

Laughing is a fantastic tool that everyone should be using to deal with daily stress.

Laughing is free!  You don’t have to pay for it.  You just do it!

Laughing is easily shared by others.  Spread the joy of laughter!

It’s ok to act silly. Laugh by yourself. Laugh with your friends. Laugh with your family.  You officially have permission to laugh more in life!  It’s your responsibility to pass it on!

Take care and chill out! Stress Less, Hajii Otto, MS  The Chill Out Guru™

Do you like waffles: Another day to laugh

One of my dearest friends introduced me to Hoops and Yoyo, and they have brought me so much laughter.  Here’s another silly song “Do you like waffles?”  Take a break throughout the day to laugh or smile!

Take care, Hajii Otto, MS – the Chill Out Guru™

Don’t be afraid to tell people you love them? “I love YOU!” lol

Here’s a good laugh for the day.  Don’t be afraid to tell the important people in your life that you love them. Come on, it’s not that hard to say those three little words, “I Love YOU.” You can do it!  Just say the words, one word at a time! “I” ….come on, you can do it…”Love”……. you’re almost there, “You!” I love you, I love you, I love you…..

Ok, do you feel better now?  Well there’s your good laugh for the day! Take care, the Chill Out Guru™- Hajii Otto, MS

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Laugh more in life

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