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Stretch Out Your Body 3x Daily

Feline Yoga 1024x682 Stretch Out Your Body 3x Daily

Stretch Out Your Body 3x Daily

Do you ever find yourself stiff as a board after sitting for a long time or getting up from bed? Well, have you tried stretching out 3x daily? Stretch out in the morning, afternoon, and evening. It doesn’t have to be yoga or anything fancy. Just take one minute to safely stretch out your back, legs, arms, and fingers. Find good neck stretches, too. You don’t have to feel OLD, just remember to keep your body moving daily.

Have a great day! The Chill Out Guru™ – Hajii Otto, MS, CHT
Speaker, Author, & Hypnotist Trainer
For more information:

Fun in the cold: New Zealand, climbing the ice glaciers. Beautiful country!

NewZealand 1 webIcefixcolor2004 Fun in the cold: New Zealand, climbing the ice glaciers. Beautiful country!

Chilling out climbing ice glaciers in New Zealand. The Kiwis are fun great people.

New Zealand 3 WEBNZ2004 Fun in the cold: New Zealand, climbing the ice glaciers. Beautiful country!ponamujade Fun in the cold: New Zealand, climbing the ice glaciers. Beautiful country!

Good luau #10 summer times

HajhulaJuneChristy2 1024x992 Good luau #10 summer timesHajHulaPicCake 1024x733 Good luau #10 summer timesHajLuau1June 992x1024 Good luau #10 summer times

New ideas come when you calm the mind

IMG 0410 1024x591 New ideas come when you calm the mind

Calming the mind and body can trigger new ideas

I get a big rush speaking on stage, and I love performing in front of an active audience.  You can feel the surge of excitement when you know you’re touching the hearts and minds of people just by watching their eyes and smiles.  The more they get excited, the more I get excited.  Therefore, I try to refuel my energy by doing ritual visualization and relaxation techniques. However, today was one of those crazy motivating moments of EXCITEMENT during my “Self Quality Time. ” I was trying to solve a problem to a particular workshop program, and I was  zapped with so many  ideas.  I had to finally get up and write down all those concepts.  You got’ta love it when you finally silence the mind and the heart hears the message.  I was super hyped-up with excitement, and I was able to complete my workshop project.

Chill Out Tip: Refuel your energy often, and you’ll be able to perform at a higher level.

I hope you’re having a great NEW YEAR 2011…

Take care, and have a great day. Hajii Otto, MS, CHT, The Chill Out Guru™  More Power to YOU!

Here’s something to make you smile today

Ok, I’ve been to Australia and played with the Roos. However, the trainers always caution people that the Roos can be aggressive, but very loving at the same time. I found a great video to help you laugh and chill out today. Get ready to crack up. Have a fantastic day! Stress Less! The Chill Out Guru™-Hajii Otto
Making YOU Laugh with the Roo

Stress Less by being a TV Personality Host

Wow, I was amazed about how much you can make just by talking as a TV Personality Host. Check out these numbers. I think anyone can have less stress if you made this amount of money just by having a fun, talkative personality.

List of 12 Top-Earning Personalities:
1. Oprah Winfrey — $275 million
2. Dr. Phil McGraw — $80 million
3. Simon Cowell — $75 million
4. Howard Stern — $70 million
5. Rush Limbaugh — $54 million
6. Donald Trump — $50 million
7. David Letterman (tie) — $45 million
7. Judge Judy (tie) — $45 million
9. Ryan Seacrest — $38 million
10. Ellen DeGeneres — $35 million
11. Jay Leno — $32 million
12. Tyra Banks — $30 million

Stress Less and Chill Out… Looks like if you learn how to talk with a creative personality you can seriously stress less in life. Have a great day! Hajii Otto, MS The Chill Out Guru™
Web Hajii1 199x300 Stress Less by being a TV Personality Host

Travel outside your country! See Australia

I love to travel the world and meet interesting people.  I enjoy going to different countries and experiencing new cultures. My favorite country to visit often is Australia.  It’s an easy place to chill out with so many different activities. The folks are very friendly, and it’s difficult to be stressed out when you’re relaxing with friends in the harbor.  If you haven’t been there, then make it a goal to visit.  You will absolutely love it!  Chilling out, Cheers, Hajii Otto, MS

The Chill Out Guru™

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