Book: Reduce Stress with Photography

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Master Stress 101®:

Reduce Stress Using 20 Principles of Photography

Welcome to a new way of stress management using photography to stress less every day.

“Your camera may be the best stress management tool that you will ever own!”- Hajii Otto

Quickly reduce stress by taking more pictures!

  • Are you stressed-out?
  • Do you like taking or looking at photos?
  • Then, this book is just for you.

This book is a wonderful tool to help you reduce stress by teaching you how to see and think like a photographer. Imagine what it would be like living daily as a photographer with your camera ready for action. You would always be ready to use your camera to capture life’s most interesting moments. Your collection of images of planned and unplanned events would provide a source of joy day in and day out.

The photographer metaphor illustrates the relationship between taking mental pictures and controlling stress. Now is the time to transform your stressful life by embracing the healing power of pictures. It’s that simple!

Use the quick and easy –to-read tips in the book to help you create new, empowering perceptions. Learn how to reduce stress by learning to:

• Think like a journalistic photographer recording your life’s journey

• Live in the moment, by being consciously aware of your every day experiences

• Appreciate all the good things you already have

• Express and share your natural desire for creativity

And most of all…find reasons to celebrate life daily!

Take the challenge and open this book of easy-to-apply tips on stress. Set yourself free to have more fun by creating positive images within your mind and heart. Add more quality years to your life by capturing and remembering the joys of life as they happen.

“Switch your perception, switch your life!™”

Stress less by seeing your entire world differently with the power of photography!

Order today: $13.99

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