Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category

New ideas come when you calm the mind

IMG 0410 1024x591 New ideas come when you calm the mind

Calming the mind and body can trigger new ideas

I get a big rush speaking on stage, and I love performing in front of an active audience.  You can feel the surge of excitement when you know you’re touching the hearts and minds of people just by watching their eyes and smiles.  The more they get excited, the more I get excited.  Therefore, I try to refuel my energy by doing ritual visualization and relaxation techniques. However, today was one of those crazy motivating moments of EXCITEMENT during my “Self Quality Time. ” I was trying to solve a problem to a particular workshop program, and I was  zapped with so many  ideas.  I had to finally get up and write down all those concepts.  You got’ta love it when you finally silence the mind and the heart hears the message.  I was super hyped-up with excitement, and I was able to complete my workshop project.

Chill Out Tip: Refuel your energy often, and you’ll be able to perform at a higher level.

I hope you’re having a great NEW YEAR 2011…

Take care, and have a great day. Hajii Otto, MS, CHT, The Chill Out Guru™  More Power to YOU!

Hajii’s Quick Video Clip

Happy New Year everyone! It’s going to be an exciting 2011… for more information

Diversity: Simple Little Things Can Bring People Together

Simple little things can bring people together.  It’s amazing to see how people around the world have things in common, even though we might not understand the different languages.  For example, most people know Disney’s song It’s a small world.  People can still understand the meaning of the song even in a different language.  Chill out more in life by opening your heart to common things we share as HUMANS.  Stress less, Hajii Otto, MS The Chill Out Guru™     Disneyland in Hong Kong

Don’t focus on the drama! > Conflict in your organization

IMG 0763 2 150x150 Dont focus on the drama! > Conflict in your organizationQuick tip about conflict management in your organization:

Sometimes you’ll have people in your organization that will try to sabotage you by starting up drama, creating conflict, stealing your ideas (concepts) or betraying your trust. The important thing to remember is to always maintain Emotional Control. Think before you confront these people with rational logic and facts. Don’t get caught up with all the emotional pain or anger they have caused you.

If you can confront this person, then discuss these issues in a non-threatening manner. State the facts first and allow that person to know you are open-minded to hear their side of the story. Discuss the situation with possible solutions.

You have options:

1) Forgive and Resolve- It was all a misunderstanding. Communication is the key.
2) Continue the partnership with reservations.
3) Terminate the partnership if the behavior continues.

Focus on the goal and not the emotion. Your goal is to work in a productive, happy working environment. Take control of the situation, and don’t allow other people to control your experiences in your job satisfaction. You can’t control if people steal your ideas (information), copy your style, gossip about you, or betray your trust. However, you can control your emotions on how these people affect you as a person and as a professional. Don’t get caught up with all the drama. The truth comes out and people always find out the true details later.

Life has a way of making these things work out. If this Trouble Maker(s) continues betraying people, then it will catch up to her/him. Other people will start to see a pattern with these types of conflicting personalities; thus, they will want to stay away from these sabotaging people. Keep focusing on your success in your personal and professional life. Don’t give these people your energy any more, because it will all come around. Remember to learn your lessons, forgive and let go. Life is too short to dwell on the past and now it’s time to move forward to the new possibilities of the future. Take control of conflict instead of conflict controlling YOU! The POWER is in your hands, now take it BACK! Stress LESS! Chilling out, Hajii

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