Stress Less – Make time for family and friends

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Have fun with family and friends often_Hajii Otto

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Find reasons to celebrate life daily with friends and family

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Share more happy moments with your friends and family

How often do you try to spend quality time with friends and family throughout the year?  I know, we all get mega busy with our schedules and forget to reconnect with people that we love.  Find time to gather as friends and family by doing simple events.  It doesn’t have to be expensive.  My mother always tried to take us to the beach or fishing.  She would invite the rest of the family and friends.  If they could make it, then we would have an instant fun social gathering.  I learned if you give people an opportunity to socially gather, then you find more opportunities to connect even with busy schedules.

Call up folks you care about and chat for a bit. Have a quick luncheon with old friends.  Go fishing with your kids without worrying about catching anything.  Bake cupcakes with your loved ones.  Have a cookout just to have one.  Remember, texting is not connecting because talking is more soothing to the heart.

Have a great day!  Celebrate life daily with friends and family.

From the heart, Hajii Otto, MS, CHT – The Chill Out Guru™

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