Sometimes automatic isn’t the best tool: Simplicity!

Car wash!!!! Ok, today I woke up and had a strong desire to wash and wax my car.  I normally get it done at the car wash center, but I wanted to physically do it this time.  I’ve never owned a car wax buffer, so I thought it would be fun to use one. I went to Autozone and bought everything I needed including my brand new Car Wax Buffer!

How can something so simple be so exciting to me?  I washed the car, and I was ready to take out the new buffer.  I wanted to put on the car wax and polish it off with an extreme shine!!!!!  I was in my garage, and it was a HOT HOT HOT day! I put on the car wax and started to polish it away.  Something was very wrong!  The polish was sticking to the car, and made circular patterns of wax residue.  I cleaned off the cloth with a new fresh one…the same thing-circular patterns of white wax residue.  I was determined to finish this project myself.  I read the instructions over and over again. My shoulders and hands were getting very tired.  I was seriously getting frustrated, because nothing was working.

I finally gave up on the buffer, and took out my old soft t-shirts to wax the old fashion way-manually.  I  returned the goofy buffer.  What was I thinking? I wasted all that time!  I had a great car wax product. You wipe it on, and you wipe it off. — Wax On, Wax Off…the Zen Way….lol

Moral of the story: There are times when electronics make things worse and more complicated.  You should try for simplicity to get things done first. If it’s easier to use electronics, then use it.  However, your goal is to finish the task with the most simple strategies.  Chill out and don’t make it complicated. More power to YOU!  Stress less, Hajii Otto, MS   The Chill Out Guru™  PS Save your old soft t-shirts for polishing cars and wood furniture….lol

IMG 15031 300x225 Sometimes automatic isnt the best tool: Simplicity!

On the road speaking and training!

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