Take a break from all the hustle and bustle of life

Sometimes the hardest thing to remember is to stop and take a break from all the hustle and bustle of life.

If you’re like me, I love being on the move with different tasks and projects.  I truly enjoy multi-tasking.  However, I find myself getting lost in my busy schedule and my back starts to hurt.  My neck locks up in stiffness and my shoulders are lifted to my ears from all typing and reading.  Yes, I even get stressed out, because that’s part of life.  You have to remember to stop what you’re doing and do something to make you HAPPY.  It doesn’t have to be a big deal, just give yourself a few minutes to chill out.  Spend time calling up a friend or family member that you’ve been meaning to call for sometime. Get outside for ten minutes and observe what’s happening around you.  Play a quick video game or solitaire on your computer.  You get the point.  Take time to enjoy life daily.  Take care and chill out more…… Hajii Otto, the Chill Out Guru™

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Taking a break from reading and writing

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