Cornell University and Stress Management – Hajii Otto

Back in action…. Cornell University and Stress Management

This year has been crazy with my spring Speaking Tour 2010, and I’ve been loving all the excitement.  It’s been a major challenge to keep up with all my blogging especially with traveling and speaking.  However, I’ve decided to recommit myself to at least writing something once a week.  I’ll be honest, sometimes the last thing I want to do is get back on the computer after speaking, researching, or writing the entire day.   It’s actually going to be great for my mind and creative thoughts to get back into blogging.  It will be a chance for me to get my thoughts together and express myself with an external outlet like the web.  I forgot how fun it is to blog.  Ok, now that I’m back in the right frame of mind, let’s get rocking with blogging again.  I’m all charged up, and I feel the need to write…..

One of my favorite speaking experiences this year was talking to Cornell University students about stress management and enjoying their college experiences.  The students were fantastic, because they showered me with so much love and attention.  I had students like Chris M, Nora A, Rustin R, Emily C, and Matt G. help me out throughout my entire stay.  Chris M.and Nora A. made sure I was taken care of from  start to finish.  They went out of their way to make sure I had a wonderful time at Cornell University.  They picked me up from the airport and showed me the campus including some special sites.   I was able to talk with students and see what made them stressed out in their college experiences before my performance showcase.  It was good to see their point-of-view especially as students at an Ivy League school.   They gave me some great insights of contemporary college stress issues.

The showcase was a grand success and the audience was AWESOME!  They had so much energy which motivated me to perform even better on stage.  We were all hyped up with excitement.  They were so open to my message and willing to be highly active with my performance.  It was great to hear them laugh and watch them smile throughout my speech.  At the end, students told me they loved all the excitement and learned so many great stress tips.  I had a wonderful experience at Cornell University!   PS, Kara, thank you for everything, too.  I appreciate all the kindness from everyone!  See y’all again soon in the fall.

Stress less, Hajii Otto – The Chill Out Guru™

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Stress Management Training with Hajii Otto at Cornell University

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Stress management training at Cornell University with Hajii Otto

IMG 2136 1024x768 Cornell University and Stress Management   Hajii Otto

Stress management training at Cornell University with Hajii Otto

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